The Listener, written and directed by Lidia Ravviso, is a sexy and mysterious coming-of-age film that is part comedy, part thriller. It follows the adventures of a young writer, Nora (Maisy Taylor), struggling with her superpowers. Every time she masturbates, the protagonist can hear the sounds through the walls of her home in Central London, a luxurious Victorian mansion inherited from a wealthy aunt.
ora maliciously and secretly enters her neighbours’ private lives. Suddenly, a mysterious murder turns the residents’ lives upside down, and that’s when Nora, with the help of an attractive detective, uses her powers to help find the killer.
The Listener is a quirky and delightfully funny film with the visual imagination of Amelie and a meticulously detailed and colourful set reminiscent of Wes Anderson.
[18+] The Listener (Full Movie)
Original Title: The Listener (2022)
IMDb Rating:- –/10
Language: English
Director: Lidia Ravviso
Star-cast: Maisy Taylor, Romeo, Ryan Ryder
Genres: Erotic | Comedy
: 18+ Screen-Shots :
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