MP3: Fabulous – Thank You

Fabulous – Thank You MP3 DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Philip Oluwafemi Olayinka all known as FABULOUS is a young gospel minister in Nigeria under his Father Ministry in person of Apostle Dr. J.O.Afolabi (a.k.a Okoto Jesu) who composed the nation wide known Chorus Ilekun Ayo Mi Tisi

The talented young artist (Fabulous) tapped from his father anointing, he started his music ministration and established his Crew named FABULOUS ROYAL CREW.
He has been featured in many tracks like Ijo Ope by Gem, Blessings by A.Y Boy and lots more.

Fabulous have been so grateful for the Devine Grace and Mercy received from God,and for the opportunity he sees under his father Ministry
This made him so thankful to God and come up with a single track titled THANK YOU JESUS

Title: Thank You
Artist: Fabulous
Genre: Hip Pop, Rap
Website: NaijaVault.Com
Year: 2020

Ready Now, Stream, Listen And Enjoy The New Tune Ready For You On Our Website NaijaVault.Com

Listen & Download Fabulous – Thank You Below: 👇

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